Traffic and DWI
Traffic violations can affect any driver in NJ. Depending on the severity or number of violations, the consequences can be devastating, including fines, license suspension, increased insurance premiums or even jail time. We work to minimize these consequences and protect our clients' driving privileges.
We specialize in the following areas:
DWI Charges
Speeding Violations
License Suspension
Criminal Matters
Drug Possession
Minor Criminal Manners
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I plea bargain for a better deal or lesser charge in municipal court?
Yes you can plea bargain most cases in traffic court but you cannot plea bargain drunk driving charges (either alcohol or drugs)
Do I always get points for a traffic ticket in municipal court?
No. That depends on the type of case with which you are charged. Not all tickets result in points and not all tickets require a court appearance. Only the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles can assess points. A judge in municipal court can find you guilty or not guilty or plea bargain, but he or she does not assess the actual points.
Is DWI a crime in New Jersey?
DWI is not a crime, it is still a traffic offense, a very serious one.
What happens if I have a DWI in New Jersey or in another state and I get a 2nd DWI conviction?
New Jersey will treat the out-of-state DWI as a second DWI. In many other states they will treat your DWI similarly and in these other states, DWI is a crime and not just a traffic offense.
What rights do I have in traffic/municipal court?
You have all the rights in municipal/traffic court that a defendant in a criminal case would have. Municipal/Traffic court does not have jurisdiction to hear criminal cases. They only have jurisdiction to hear petty criminal offenses, traffic offenses and violations of the borough/city ordinances. A municipal/traffic court judge sits without a jury present and in essences acts as the jury. You have all of the rights that any defendant would have with the exception of the right to a jury.