Uncooperative Employers
There are times when your employer does not cooperate with you after you are hurt on the job. This is a fairly common in N.J. The...
Rights of Undocumented Illegal Alien Employees in N.J. Workers' Compensation
There are many hardworking undocumented workers in N.J. More often than not, these employees are paid off the books. Many are afraid that...
Recognized Types of Claims in N.J. Comp
The New Jersey workers compensation act recognizes two types of claims. The first is traumatic injury claims. These claims are governed...
Reporting Uninsured Employers to the State
The law in N.J. requires that all employers, not covered by Federal programs, have workers' compensation coverage or be approved for...
NJ Supreme Court Weighs in on Evidence
NJ Supreme Court Opinion for 4-29-15 has been released. This is a criminal case dealing with the admissibility of a recorded...
Time for Receiving Settlement Checks
I recently read the following question posted on a lawyer website: "I live in NJ and have waited Over 60 days since my case was settled...
New Judges in Bergen County Courts
Facing a serious resource drain on Judges in the Bergen County Courts, Stuart Rabner, Chief Judge of the New Jersey Supreme Court, has...
Court says jail only in certain DWI cases
In multiple consolidated criminal cases, the NJ Appellate Division in a published opinion this morning held: After being convicted of a...
NJ Supreme Court Sets New Standard For Judging the Judges
In a rare decision involving judicial ethics, the Supreme Court set a new standard for evaluating the behavior of Judges in NJ. This...
NJ Supreme Court weighs in: Employee or Independent Contractor?
From the NJ Supreme Court: In Sam Hargrove, et. al. v. Sleepy’s, LLC "Plaintiffs Sam Hargrove, Andre Hall, and Marco Eusebio deliver...